LIN Yu-Hsuan
2018創作卓越獎-不會飛的豬 2018 Outstanding Art Prize Exhibition -Pigs don’t fly
展覽地點:國立臺北藝術大學 關渡美術館 二樓到四樓展廳
慈、 湯雅雯、管瀞雅、鄭裕林、寧森、謝竺勳
「不會飛的豬」來自於英文片語Pigs don’t fly,豬本來就不會飛,不管做了多少努力還是不可能飛的起來。藝術家透過卓越獎,進而獲得在關渡美術館展覽的機會,看似是場正常的展演活動卻充滿了不正常性:作品並非由策展人挑選、藝術家的選擇來自於不同學院的評審結構。創作卓越獎在現有的規則下不可能突破我們已知的競賽結構和勾勒出更未來的輪廓,如癡人說夢般的異想天開。而這「豈有此理」的狀態當中,藝術家、策展人、關渡美術館各自面對了這難以飛行的荒謬,試圖檢驗其各別運作的機制。
讓豬仔飛(When pigs fly)團隊成員由王煜松、林裕軒、林盈潔、何彥諺、許庭甄、楊懿軒、湯雅雯、蔡宗勳、羅婉云、魏柏任組成。是一群藝術家要讓一個人飛起來的故事,除卻一群創作者與一位策展人共事的關係外,正是背後那層互相扶持的情感結構,促使著我們放下越發膨脹的個人,如同三年前奔向同一個社運的場合,或不眠不休地幫友人佈展,都是帶著點義氣且近乎直覺地放下所謂世故的選項,我想我們無意隱藏這樣子的情誼,而是藉著這樣難以化約的關係,持續地發展這個團體複數且多角度的工作狀態。
2018 Outstanding Art Prize Exhibition - Pigs Don’t Fly
“Pig Don’t Fly” takes its name from the English idiom, as pigs are naturally not airborne. Upon receipt of the Outstanding Art Prize, artists are granted the chance to exhibit their work at the Guandu Museum of Fine Arts. While this appears to be the traditional method of awarding artistic excellence, many similarities to normal exhibitions are missing. For example, the artists and exhibited works are selected by the various colleges within TNUA, and curators have no place within this award structure. By inspecting the irregularities within this selection and award process, this exhibition seeks to inspect the absurdity through various aspects, and which artists, curators, and the Guandu Museum of Fine Arts face.
The theme of this exhibition is a continuation of our previous exhibit “When Pigs Fly” (Note 1). “When Pigs Fly” sought to explore how multiple individuals are able to collaborate in different artistic and creative settings. An extra “project manager” has been added to this new exhibit to assist with additional administrative and research tasks that modern exhibitions and curation require. The additional staff will also contribute to our goal of exploring occupational duties within an artistic setting.
Even though many artists receive their first shot of fame through the aforementioned “Outstanding Art Prize,” there seem to be mixed reactions within the arts community when it comes to “external” tasks such as these. A young artist once proclaimed: “Ticking off boxes was never what I expected from pursuing a career in art. Even if I’ve won awards and had my work exhibited, does this make me a good artist? Nothing seems to provide a surefire path to succeeding in art, and we’re stuck in the limbo of doing and not doing.”
Note 1:
When Pigs Fly is an arts group composed of Wang,Yu-Song Lin,Yu Hsuan Lin,Ying-Chieh Hsu,Ting-Chen Ho,Yen-Yen Yang,IHsuan Tang,Ya-Wen Tsai Tsunghsun Lo,Wan Yun Wei,Po-Jen.The members of the group have been acquainted with each other for several years, dating back to the Sunflower Movement of 2014. They’ve since worked and assisted each other with various exhibitions and projects, and they have bonded over these shared experiences. This will be their first attempt collaborating on a large-scale project in an official capacity, which has the ultimate goal of letting the curator physically defy gravity and fly into the air. The underlying theme of this exhibit is camaraderie, which the artists and curator hope to further explore, in both an artistic and daily setting.
Venue : 2F-4F, Guandu Museum of Fine Arts, TNUA
Date: March 9, 2018 (Fri) - April 29, 2018 (Sun)
Project Manager : Chiang Yi Shiuan
Curator: Lin Yu Hsuan
Artists: Wang Guan Jhen,WU Chen Yu Hou Ssu Chi,Kou Tak Leong,Kuo Pei Chi,Liang Ting Yu,Chang Wen Woan,Chang Jui Che,Hsu Hsin Tzu,Tang Ya Wen,Kuan Ching Ya,Chang Yue Lam,Ning Sen,Hsieh Chu Hsun
Graphic Design: Chen Yi Zhi